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Quo Vadis Management of Lake Toba (Part 2)

>> Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Now, the existence of Lake Toba is very unfortunate. So with this, the meaning and function of Lake Toba has been degraded. This is evident from some of the physical characteristics of Lake Toba, which is changed. Lake Toba burden is large. Indeed, long before the Lake Toba ecosystem degradation such as that experienced now in progress, has actually been quite a lot of research and feasibility studies related to the preservation of Lake Toba.

This means that each person has been reminded to do so sensitive in various activities around the Lake Toba. Seen from various perfektif, Lake Toba that have characteristics different from other ecosystems. For example, in terms of geography, climate (climatology), geology, and in terms of cultural communities that live in Lake Toba. Thus, the treatment must be adjusted in processing with the diferent various .
In the aspect of hydrological, Lake Toba is an area of the Regional Water catch-DTA (Catchment Area) and the giant vital for the life of the surrounding community. The amount of water that enter and exit a balanced, making the water of Lake Toba is very stable. However, with man-made, the balance is disrupted. As a result, the surface of the water in Lake Toba fluctuation.

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