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History Tours of Toba No Participated Out (Part 3)

>> Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

Meanwhile, a package with coverage to the top Pusuk Buhit visitors can also enjoy what is called a sense of the seven wells. Called the seven wells sense because it has seven wells that tap water has a taste different. For the community around Seventh Well Feel the day-to-day be used as the main source of water. So it is not surprising that tourists come, many people who use water that is in there.

Seven wells are in the actual sense Village Sipitudai a hilly district with the Pusuk Buhit Sianjur Start-Start. If we try to feel the seventh fountain that is, the source of the water fountain that we will feel the taste of water: salty, fresh, sour, hard and taste the other.

Meanwhile, based on the description of the local community, source of the water fountain that springs out from under the tree (Beringin). Indeed, well below the location of the Seventh grow large trees later, a very shady and create a shady location around the wells.

Well presence Seven taste is actually a long line with the existence of the underprivileged Sipitudai. Communities around the trust that the existence of these wells is not separate from the king which is in Batam location. If the story muncur back, so the people mentioned that this is the first village of kingdom. To meet the needs of clean water, bathing and other water sources they rely on this.

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