Quo Vadis Management of Lake Toba (Part 5)
>> Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
The Government seems to tend to have short-term orientation and very pramatis. So many policies are issued only reflect the interests of owners of capital. For example, government attention to Lake Toba and the surrounding community is minimal. As a result, the community and ecosistem Lake Toba is injured. Losses suffered not only the loss of material, but also the social loss. For example, with the death of fish fingerlings in large numbers, which first occurred in the history of Lake Toba. This certainly makes people very important. Irrespective of what factors cause, but that people have been losers.
Another loss is that the policy of Lake Toba less attention of local culture, have made the people around Lake Toba start and began to leave the affected local wisdom. Social losses have occurred. But we do not see that the grand design from the government about the management of Lake Toba. Even the public is also less involved in it.
Now, the collapse is Lake Toba extinction. One evidence is the death of hundreds of tons of fish fingerlings are kept in Keranda Jala learning (KJA) in the waters of Lake Toba. The death of fish fingerlings into the basic foothold for those who care to the preservation of Lake Toba to say that the ecosystem of Lake Toba is now in crisis. History is the history of Lake Toba "suffering". Historical Lake Toba is a history filled with various problems.